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Happy New Year! New plan, big changes!

Seriously cool changes starting in 2020.

Most of you probably know the majority of stock plans for sale at THE small HOUSE CATALOG have been based on client designs. I’ve not created new plans for a long time. While I’m grateful my work has kept me busy, it’s actually kept me so inconceivably active that I’ve not had any time to design new plans in two and half years. Over that period I relied on incoming work to supply the catalog and in many ways it ‘s been tremendously satisfying. For one I enjoy helping people create plans, seeing their homes get built, and making new friends in the process. For another many of the plans are simply cool and worth sharing. Yet, as rewarding as this time has been, and having achieved the professional goals I set for myself and the SHC, I realized I was getting burned out. Not so much on the work itself but the amount of it. It’s truly been an endless seven days a week for the past 2 1/2 years, at least. In addition to all the frenzy, my wife and I also built another house. How that happened I cannot even begin to explain! But I’ll be posting photos as we complete the finishing work going into January 2020.

So I recently took some needed time off, considered what I’d like to do with the SHC, and have decided to change course a bit. So, here’s what you can expect in 2020 - and beyond. Hint: it’s good news!

Improved presentation. I’ll be utilizing a whole new rendering engine to help me create more photorealistic images in Photoshop.

Many new plans are coming in 2020

While I’ll be reducing the amount of new work I do for clients I intend to use that time to create new plans that reflect more of my own design aesthetics and philosophies. I won’t get into details here but introduce them with plans as they’re released. I’m excited to work on some new plans. I even have one to kick off the new year that you can check out below:

How often will new plans be released in 2020?

New plans will be uploaded at the start of each new month and possibly more often as time allows. Subscribers can expect to see at least one new plan each month.

Will there be subscriber-only discounts in 2020?

Yes, in fact there will now be regular monthly discounts as well as FREE plan giveaways. These events will be announced via the monthly newsletter.

Are you giving up drafting altogether in 2020?

No, I’m only reducing my work load (a lot) to allow some creative breathing. I’ll be considering new projects each month. While much of my work is now local I continue to do a huge amount of work remotely.