What information do the plans include?

All house plans are designed for permitting and construction purposes and include the necessary information to submit to building departments for permitting and construction. Additional information may be required to satisfy local codes and engineering requirements. In most cases, plans can be redlined for these purposes. Plans generally include,

  • Cover sheet with 3D render and project information

  • Dimensioned floor plans with window, doors, fixture, and appliance sizes and locations

  • Foundation plans

  • Floor framing plans

  • Braced wall plans

  • Roof framing plans

  • Electrical plans

  • Construction details for foundation, floors, walls, and roof

  • Special architectural details, as needed, for stairs, and other architectural features

Do the plans meet code?

All house plans are designed to satisfy the International Residential Code (IRC) and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). For example, each plan includes a prescriptive braced wall design to help meet seismic and high wind codes, and has a variety of details to achieve a near-Passive House performance standard for air-sealing, insulation, ventilation, and heating & cooling.

Do plans need engineering?

Some do, most do not. It depends on your building location, building department requirements, and the design elements. Most plans have been prescriptively designed to meet IRC for braced walls, etc.

What is your refund policy?

Plans are delivered as digital goods (PDFs) and are non-refundable. I stand behind my products and client satisfaction is important to me however my creative works are delivered via internet downloads as "intangible goods" and for this reason I do not offer refunds

Where are you located?

Usually at home in Point Roberts or Seattle, Washington but I often work remotely and can offer services throughout the year.